Rome day two

Rome day two, a set on Flickr.

After such a late night we actually sleeped in, not waking up until Luccia was knocking on our door at 9:30am. We hastily got up and had the same breakfast as yesterday with her in our PJs.
Today was a public holiday for Republic day the anniversary of the creation of the Italian Republic. so that means that Rome would be very busy.
So off we went to negotiate the underground for the first time. Our destination was the ‘Piazza di Spagna’ which are the Spanish Steps (1723). These are made up of 138 steps the fountain at the foot is called ‘Fontana della Varcaccia, (1629) The church at the top with it’s two cupollas (1495) is the church of the Trinita’ dei Monti (The Church of the Kings)
We then got back into the underground and proceeded to Otivani close to the Vatican were we are to meet our guide for our tour tomorrow. While we where here we took some photos of St Peters Square. Getting tired by now we decided to negotiate the bus to ‘Campo de Fiori’ market which was easier said than done, as we could not find the bus stop. However this was meant to be because instead we found the Castle Saint’Angelo where we got a magnificent panorama of Rome. There was an exhibition on here that was really interesting, with a large painting (that we can not remember the name of) that had been borrowed from the Belgium museum.
Then we bused to our original destination the ‘Campo de Fiori’ that has a daily market. By this time it was after 4 pm and they had started packing up and then the rain came down. We started walking in the general direction of home looking for a bus stop again. We jumped on a very crowded bus and packed in with all the other sardines to home. After tea we hit the sack looking forward to our Vatican tour tomorrow.

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